Buss AG Compeo55


The previous generation:

While it is functional and world class in performance, the design in no way communicates the quality of the technology. Moreover, the production is complex and expensive.

Especially important: there are no optical recognition features, no CI of the company for the different machine series.

These are exactly the points where we started and developed a completely new concept for the customer.

The idea

A new frame concept makes the system much more rigid, reduces costs and perfectly arranges all aggregates. At the same time, it is designed in such a way that it is suitable for all machine versions / sizes.

This makes the new machine unmistakable, modern and the perfect reflection of the “Premium Kneader Technology” from Buss.

This concept is chosen by the management for further elaboration.

Here the smaller version Compeo 55, which will be the first model to be built.

The new machine

The new design was designed in close cooperation with Buss engineers. The result – the perfect implementation of our concept.

The Compeo 55 version was presented at the NPE in Orlando in May 2018.